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Should you write an article like this? Should you read it? Here are the two answers: yes, to the first question. To the second question: if you have the courage to read it.

Stefan Knabe

The lines that will not please any person

Should you write an article like this? Should you read it? Here are the two answers: yes, to the first question. To the second question: if you have the courage to read it.

This article came about because the author is tired of reading about how bad the West is. Ever since he was born, he's tired of hearing how bad the Germans are, that they started two world wars. He would like to call out to the world, just leave us alone and yes you are all right with your accusations. We are evil and we are destroying the world. You are right and we are not. But this is too easy.

Reading a report about reflection which play back one's own opinionis a catharsis for the soul and the spirit. It's just easy to see your own point of view confirmed. Yes, long live the echo chamber of the recurring, of the same opinion. How nice, the brain doesn't have to work, wonderful, you save energy, time, and leisure. But are you making progress? No, who cares! However, progress only comes about in the purgatory of mental friction. That’ not nice. So, do you really want progress? Do you really need progress? Forget that life means change. Forget that progress can only be gained through cooperation. Forget that you have children, and you have a particular responsibility for those people who are being born right now. Let us get back in time, let us forget the progress we made the last decades. Let us wallow in our own world-weariness, let us use the same accusations as ever and just give up. Leaveus European alone. We deserve it. We are bad. We are evil. And you are?

The world looks something like this right now, and much more besides.But there are still authors who have courage. Do you have it for her next lines too? These lines will not please Christians, Jews, or Moslems. They will not please people who are pro-Russia or pro-Ukraine. They will not please any person on this planet. For sure, on the contrary. It's a confession and a promise.

The author is of the opinion that progress can only arise in the purgatory of intellectual friction. And that means telling the truth, nothing than the truth. But what is the truth?Many years ago, the American philosopher and first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States said that true is what is useful andif our beliefs help us to live a better life, we should uphold them. Oh my god, not an American again?

The author of this text believes in progress as the source of all life. This requires a truth that is free of emotions and does not take personal feelings into account. So, do you have the courage to read these lines? I am not sure!

What is the truth about the war in Ukraine and all the claims surrounding the war? Well, if you read newspapers and reports from the Middle East and Asia, you quickly realize that there is something like a joy that the Americans are now getting a kick in the ass.Just by the way, maybe not everyone has noticed, the war is in the Ukraine and no Americans are dying.

However, I can understand the satisfaction that is spreading in the countries there.I can understand the emotions provoked by drone attacks, invasions of various countries and so on.I personally reject Carl von Clausewitz's (was a Prussian general and military theorist who stressed the "moral" (meaning, in modern terms, psychological) and political aspects of war)famous dictum that war is merely the continuation of politics by other means, which is considered a paradigmatic formulation of the idea that violence can be a rational instrument of politics.And to reiterate, there is no justification in this world for invading another country, wanting to destroy its sovereignty, and killing children, women, and men. None!Not for the West and not for the Russians!

Indeed, the West has made mistakes. Indeed, the West has looked on as children and women have been murdered in Yemen, both by Christian and Muslim. Was this correct? No!Yes, it was always about oil, about economic power. Was this morally, correct? No! You must apologize for this behavior.Is it correct to continue to support Israel?. The UN Embassy of Kenya Martin Kimanihas given an answer in this regard. In his speech to the UN Security Council on Russia's attack on Ukraine, he said the following.

Kimani said that what is happening in Ukraine has also been experienced in a similar way by other nations, that many Africans have an opinion about what is happening in Eastern Europe from their own memories. It's an uncomfortable reunion with colonialism, the law of might and a dangerous nostalgia for empire.Africa inherited the borders of the colonial masters, not drawn its own. "Had we decided at independence to create states based on ethnic, racial or religious homogeneity, we would still be fighting bloody wars many decades later. (...) We believe that all states that emerged from collapsed and receding empires emerge, carry within them many peoples who long for integration with peoples in neighbouring countries. This is normal and understandable. After all, who does not want to be united with their brothers and achieve common goals with them? But Kenya refuses to share such a longing to pursue violence. We must complete our healing from the ashes of dead empires in a way that does not throw us back into new forms of domination and oppression."

What can learn from this perspective is the truth, the naked truth, the hardest truth ever. We must accept history to get a better future. We can no longer revise what happened, no matter how hard it may have been. We must make the decision whether we want to live in the past or in the future. And if we change the way we look at things, the things you look at change.

Yes, the Europeans (the West) are learning a lesson. They must learn and watch as children, women and men are slaughtered in their immediate vicinity.For Europeans it is something new. In many regions of the world this is unfortunately the norm, also due to the intervention of the West. Yes, it is like bad karma which is now falling back on the West. But can one be happy about it, laugh about it and be gloating about it? Is it really a better behaviour? I don't think so!

Rather, one turns to the Russians. Ok, you can do it, I can understand it, and I accept it in full. (Especially when you have the guilt of the West in the back of your mind) Keep going! But let me ask you one question. What do you want for life?

I would like to make an assertion: economic progress, prosperity, and political freedom (democracy, legality). (Ok, got it, I know there are many different definitions of the last two terms. I'll choose those from the Basic Law of Germany. That's right, Western, sorry!) Let me ask you another question: can these goals be achieved with Russia or China? So that we understand each other correctly. No one need to side with the West. No one! The nice thing is that the so-called second and third world countries will soon be able to choose where they can get their benefits from: China, USA, Europe, India, or Russia. What a buffet! You can help yourself wherever you want. Part of this, part of that.OK, the China thing might be a little problematic. Ok, then at some point in time you can no longer pay back your debts to China because of one-sided economic contracts (everything sounds tempting, what you get immediately, just say welcome to greed - just makes the same mistakes as the West did, after all everyone has a right to it). Just give back your ports, airports, infrastructure or maybe part of your own agriculture to China, so what. Sovereignty, who needs that anyway.And then there is Europe. And indeed, Europe is not doing well right now. But the truth also has a second face here.

Europe is beginning to emancipate itself from the Americans. All countries are working under high pressure to become militarily independent. It has been understood that pressure cannot be exerted with just words. The naivety is gone, the shock is deep. But one is willing to go this way with all the consequences.

The same applies to the economy. Hard economic times will come to Europe. An economy that has lived from globalization is currently taking a path of deglobalization. More and more people are looking at how to become more self-sufficient, and this doesn't only apply to the energy industry.Yes, it must be emphasized again here. Many European countries have been naïve about dependence on Russian energy sources. We have been naïve.But the strength of Europeans is also to admit mistakes, to leave history behind and look to the future together. Any examples?, For this one should read the speech of the German Foreign Minister Baerbock before the UN General Assembly.A U-turn in European and German foreign policy.In addition, one should see how Germany and France have come closer, despite two world wars.So, is everything good and right in Europe? No, absolutely not. Refugees in Poland are treated differently depending on the colour of their skin. Is this right? No, absolutely not. You must be ashamed of it. Well, the list may be very long. We got a lot of problems, for sure. But we are working on approvements, but it will take time. And did we make a great show of learning. Certainly not, But we thought we had. That was a mistake. We were naïve.

Were these lines an advertisement for the European way? No certainly not. Every person, every nation must decide independently which way he or she wants to go.Should Europeans tell anyone in this world what they can and cannot do. No, certainly not.To put it bluntly. We don’t need appendages that only weigh us down, that are ballast.We don't have the strength to solve other people's problems right now.But we try to stand for certain values. Have we done it right in the past? No. But we still have the future. And we are well educated and we can and will learn.Europe will always be a continent of contradictions. There will always be friction. But, and the war in Ukraine has shown this, we can stand together from now on, even if we have different opinions on many points.Which continent or which countries can claim that?

What we need right now are friends who accompany us on our way. Who talk to us, occasionally point out mistakes and give our new paths a certain direction. We need this with the love of kindness and forgiveness. We are children just growing up, just finding each other. And be sure, we're going to make a heck of a lot of mistakes for you to harp on. Have fun with it. Europeans are not perfect and never will be.The time will come when Europe is one of the few places in the world where there is still something like democracy and the rule of law. Germany will remain and be in the centre of this continent and the author of this article will do everything to ensure that it stays that way. Therefore he needs friends all over the world to talk in peace and with respect for a new beginning.

German writer and journalist, interested in European affairs and German foreign policy